Pragmatism in the real world

Internet Speedtest from the command line

We recently changed ISP to Aquiss who could not have been more helpful with pre-sales and support for the change over from BT Internet.

Aquiss do not provide a router, so I removed the BT Smart Hub and put in a Ubiquity UCG-Max and connected it up to my existing AC Pro Ubiquiti access points. Obviously as it was a new provider, I tested the speed with WiFiman on my phone and was surprised that it was slower than I expected.

The first thing I wanted to check was that the wired connection was correct. The computer attached by a network cable at the time was my Linux server, which is headless, so I needed a command line tool

I had a quick chat with an LLM, and discovered that have a CLI app! It took me a while to find as it’s not listed on the dropdown on the website, when you hover over the Apps menu, but you can click on Apps and find it.

There are CLI releases for Mac, Linux & FreeBSD, so I installed the Debian one on Holland1 as per the instructions and tested:

2024 speedtest cli 1.

I have OpenReach FTTP here, which is asymmetrical and the package I purchased is advertised as 900Mbps down, 100Mbps up, so all is well with my ISP connection.

Further investigation lead me to the conclusion that one of my access points is no longer working properly, so a new one has been ordered.