Configuring a ZF2 view helper before rendering
The currencyFormat view helper is very easy to use:
echo $this->currencyFormat($value, 'GBP', 'en_GB');
When I was reading the documentation for the currencyFormat view helper, I discovered that you could configure the currency code and locale once rather than in every call:
// Within your view script
This is obviously useful, but even more useful would be if we could set it once by default and then override if we need to in a specific call.
The easiest way to do this is to use an event listener on the View event within a modules’s onBootstrap method, like this:
namespace Application;
use Zend\View\ViewEvent;
use Zend\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer;
class Module
public function onBootstrap($e)
$events = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager();
$sharedEvents = $events->getSharedManager();
$sharedEvents->attach('Zend\View\View', ViewEvent::EVENT_RENDERER_POST, function($event) {
$renderer = $event->getRenderer();
if ($renderer instanceof PhpRenderer) {
// ...
Now we can simply do call currencyFormat() with the value in our view script:
echo $this->currencyFormat($value);
If only the locale is needed, then you can simple use:
Nice one Rob. We've also got a method in our own AbstractActionController called `getViewHelper($helperName)` which basically just does this:
return $this->getServiceLocator()->get('viewhelpermanager')->get($helperName);
I think it is useful if you need to "configure" a view helper on a per-action basis (rather than on a global basis like your example).
This may be a rookie question, but where does $sm from 'use($sm)' get defined in your onBootstrap method above?
Mike, It's an error based on where I copied the code from and isn't needed for this specific sample.
Fixed now. Thanks!
I think that better approach is to add initializer to the ViewHelperManager. So if you already have getViewHelperConfig() method in your Module.php, add "initializers" section to its return value:
I use this Method to add the Dojotoolkit to the HeadScript but as test, i noticed that the 'ZendViewView' triggers twice is there any hook that calls only once during the Render event. thanks :)
Nice post. But i like the solution to set up my view helpers in module.config.php, like this:
Be aware that if you do it that way, then the ModuleManager can no longer cache the merged config.
Didn't know that… thanks for the advice.