Pragmatism in the real world

Easily install Swift on Linux

This is the simplest set of steps that I’ve found so far in order to get Swift on (Ubuntu) Linux. Essentially, you can download a snapshot and you’re good to go.

If you’re not already on Ubuntu 15:10, create a VM. Vagrant is an easy way to do this:

$ vagrant init ubuntu/wily64
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh

Install the dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install clang libicu-dev vim

(Vim isn’t an actual dependency, but I can’t cope with terminal that doesn’t have it!)

Grab a Swift snapshot & untar:

$ cd ~
$ curl -O
$ mkdir swift
$ tar xzf swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-04-12-a-ubuntu15.10.tar.gz -C swift --strip-components 1

I’ve used the latest snapshot as of this writing: check the website for the latest one as it is updated regularly.

The binaries are now in ~/swift/usr/bin, so add that to your path and you’re good to go:

$ echo 'export PATH=~/swift/usr/bin:$PATH' >>~/.profile
$ source ~/.profile

Prove it works:

$ swift --version
Swift version 3.0-dev (LLVM 752e1430fc, Clang 3987718dae, Swift 36739f7b57)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

Now, you just need to learn Swift!