installing XHGui via Ansible
I’m still using Ansible to provision Vagrant VMs. This is how I added the XHGui profiler to my standard setup.
Theres a number steps we need to do:
- Install Composer
- Install the uprofiler PHP extension
- Install XHGui
- Set up for profiling
- Set up host for XHGui website
Install Composer
Installing Composer requires these tasks:
- name: Install Composer shell: curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin creates=/usr/local/bin/composer - name: Rename composer.phar to composer shell: mv /usr/local/bin/composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer creates=/usr/local/bin/composer - name: Make composer executable file: path=/usr/local/bin/composer mode=a+x state=file - name: Create global composer directory file: path=/usr/local/composer state=directory mode=0775
Firstly we download the Composer installer and run it to create composer.phar. We then rename to composer, make executable and then create a global directory for storing the packages that we download.
Install the uprofiler PHP extension
We install uprofiler via composer:
- name: Install uprofiler shell: export COMPOSER_HOME=/usr/local/composer && composer global require 'friendsofphp/uprofiler=dev-master' creates=/usr/local/composer/vendor/friendsofphp/uprofiler/composer.json - name: Compile uprofiler shell: cd /usr/local/composer/vendor/friendsofphp/uprofiler/extension && phpize && ./configure && make && make install creates=/usr/lib/php5/20121212/ - name: Configure PHP (cli) copy: src=uprofiler.ini dest=/etc/php5/cli/conf.d/21-uprofiler.ini mode=644 - name: Configure PHP (apache2) copy: src=uprofiler.ini dest=/etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/21-uprofiler.ini mode=644
The last two tasks copy uprofiler.ini to the relevant configuration directories. uprofiler.ini file is really simple:
Install XHGui
Similarly, we install XHGui using composer:
- name: Install MongoDB apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest with_items: - mongodb - php5-mongo - name: Install XHGui shell: export COMPOSER_HOME=/usr/local/composer && composer global require --ignore-platform-reqs 'perftools/xhgui=dev-master' creates=/usr/local/composer/vendor/perftools/xhgui/composer.json - name: Set XHGui permisssions file: path=/usr/local/composer/vendor/perftools/xhgui/cache group=www-data mode=775 - name: Configure XHGui template: src=xhgui_config.php dest=/usr/local/composer/vendor/perftools/xhgui/config/config.php owner=vagrant group=www-data mode=644 - name: Index mongo for XHGui script: --some-arguments 1234 creates=/root/indexed_xhgui.txt
XHGi uses MongoDB for storage, so we install that install that first and then install XHGui via composer which pulls in all the dependencies. Note that XHGui has a extension dependency on xhprof, but we’re using uprofiler, so we use the --ignore-platform-reqs flag to ignore.
XHGui requires a configuration file in it’s config directory. I copied the default one and then changed it to profile every run. The minimum xhgui_config.php that you need is:
<?php return [ // Profile every request 'profiler.enable' => function() { return true; }, ]
This is the place where you could put in additional checks to decide whether to profile or not, such as checking for a GET variable of “profile”, for instance.
Lastly, the XHGui README recommends that you add some indexes to MongoDB. I also wanted to automatically delete old records, which is also done via a MongoDB directive. This is done via the shell script:
#!/bin/bash # auto-remove records older than 2592000 seconds (30 days) mongo xhprof --eval 'db.collection.ensureIndex( { "meta.request_ts" : 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds : 2592000 } )' # indexes mongo xhprof --eval "db.collection.ensureIndex( { 'meta.SERVER.REQUEST_TIME' : -1 } )" mongo xhprof --eval "db.collection.ensureIndex( { 'profile.main().wt' : -1 } )" mongo xhprof --eval "db.collection.ensureIndex( { 'profile.main().mu' : -1 } )" mongo xhprof --eval "db.collection.ensureIndex( { 'profile.main().cpu' : -1 } )" mongo xhprof --eval "db.collection.ensureIndex( { 'meta.url' : 1 } )" touch /root/indexed_xhgui.txt
Note that we create an empty file that is tested in the task as we only need to run this task once.
Set up for profiling
To profile a website, we just need to include /usr/local/composer/vendor/perftools/xhgui/external/header.php. This can be done by setting the auto_prepend_file PHP ini setting. As I use Apache, I can just add:
php_admin_value auto_prepend_file "/usr/local/composer/vendor/perftools/xhgui/external/header.php"
To my VirtualHost configuration.
Set up host for XHGui website
Finally, we need a VirtualHost for the XHGui website where we can view our profiles. I decided to use a separate subdomain, “profile“, so my vhost looks like this:
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName profiler.{{ server_name }} DocumentRoot /usr/local/composer/vendor/perftools/xhgui/webroot <Directory /usr/local/composer/vendor/perftools/xhgui/webroot> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all Require all granted </Directory> </VirtualHost>
Where {{server_name}} is an Ansible variable that is the domain name of the site.
All done
That’s it. Once I had worked out which pieces were required, putting them into Ansible tasks was remarkably obvious and now I can profile my website in development.
Why didn't you use Ansible's builtin composer module?
My understanding of the Ansible composer module is that it is designed for installation of dependencies of a project that has a composer.json file and isn't built around global installation of dev tools which is how I'm using it.
I could of course be wrong, but as I only call composer once in order to globally install uprofiler, it didn't seem worth spending my time investigating.