Pragmatism in the real world

Getting a website out of the doorPresented at ZendCon, October 2009

This talk covers project management tips and tricks that will help get a website developed, approved and live. We look at the documentation, meetings and processes required to deliver a successful website with an emphasis on ensuring that the PM effort matches the job in hand. We also consider how to handle the client’s change requests when they arrive.

Zend Framework Certification RefresherPresented at ZendCon, October, 2009

This tutorial is designed for programmers who are well rooted in Zend Framework, and who feel prepared to take the Certification Exam. A 3 hour refresher intended to help you study for taking the exam, and covers the less well known features of the framework you may not have previously thought about.

Getting a website out of the doorPresented at PHPNW, October 2009

This talk covers project management tips and tricks that will help get a website developed, approved and live. We look at the documentation, meetings and processes required to deliver a successful website with an emphasis on ensuring that the PM effort matches the job in hand. We also consider how to handle the client’s change requests when they arrive.

Caching for performancePresented at DPC, June 2009

This presentation is an introduction to caching techniques that can be used in a PHP project to increase performance. We look at a variety of caching techniques, showing practical implementations and before and after statistics. Cache storage options available and when you might use one over another will be covered and we also address how to get browsers to cache content for us.

First steps with Zend FrameworkPresented at PHPNW, November 2008

This presentation discusses Zend Framework’s capabilities and what it has to offer the developer. We explore Zend Framework’s MVC components and look at how they fit together. Finally we build a simple Zend Framework MVC application from scratch so that we can look in detail at the code.

Zend Framework OverviewPresented at PHPUK, October 2008

This session was a 1.5 hour joint session where three of us gave a short 20 minute presentation on three different frameworks and then took questions as a panel. I talked on Zend Framework, Ian Christian talked on Symfony and Toby Beresford talked on Code Igniter.