Zend_Filter_Input / Zend_Validate Messages
The basic usage of Zend_Filter_Input is:
$filters = array('body' => array('StringTrim' , 'StripTags'));
$validators = array('body' => 'Alpha');
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters, $validators, $_POST);
if ($input->isValid()) {
// do something with form
} else {
// failed validation
$messages = $input->getMessages();
// iterate though $messages to display to user
The problem is that the message you get out isn’t always written as you would like. Consider the output if the body record is empty. A dump() of $messages gives this:
array(1) { ["body"] => array(1) { [0] => string(21) "'' is an empty string" } }
The text isn’t exactly what I would want to display to a user. To change it you pass in a messages parameter to the $validators array:
$filters = array('body' => array('StringTrim' , 'StripTags'));
$validators = array( 'body' => array('Alpha',
'messages'=>array(Zend_Validate_Alpha::STRING_EMPTY=>'The body is empty!')));
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters, $validators, $_POST);
This works as expected. The problem now is that you need to know the “magic constants”, so here is a list of all the constants and the associated default message:
- Zend_Validate_Alnum::NOT_ALNUM
- ‘%value%’ has not only alphabetic and digit characters
- Zend_Validate_Alnum::STRING_EMPTY
- ‘%value%’ is an empty string
- Zend_Validate_Alpha::NOT_ALPHA
- ‘%value%’ has not only alphabetic characters
- Zend_Validate_Alpha::STRING_EMPTY
- ‘%value%’ is an empty string
- Zend_Validate_Between::NOT_BETWEEN
- ‘%value%’ is not between ‘%min%’ and ‘%max%’, inclusively
- Zend_Validate_Between::NOT_BETWEEN_STRICT
- ‘%value%’ is not strictly between ‘%min%’ and ‘%max%’
- Zend_Validate_Ccnum::LENGTH
- ‘%value%’ must contain between 13 and 19 digits
- Zend_Validate_Ccnum::CHECKSUM
- Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on ‘%value%’
- Zend_Validate_Date::NOT_YYYY_MM_DD
- ‘%value%’ is not of the format YYYY-MM-DD
- Zend_Validate_Date::INVALID
- ‘%value%’ does not appear to be a valid date
- Zend_Validate_Digits::NOT_DIGITS
- ‘%value%’ contains not only digit characters
- Zend_Validate_Digits::STRING_EMPTY
- ‘%value%’ is an empty string
- Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID
- ‘%value%’ is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname
- Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_HOSTNAME
- ‘%hostname%’ is not a valid hostname for email address ‘%value%’
- Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_MX_RECORD
- ‘%hostname%’ does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address ‘%value%’
- Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::DOT_ATOM
- ‘%localPart%’ not matched against dot-atom format
- Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::QUOTED_STRING
- ‘%localPart%’ not matched against quoted-string format
- Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_LOCAL_PART
- ‘%localPart%’ is not a valid local part for email address ‘%value%’
- Zend_Validate_Float::NOT_FLOAT
- ‘%value%’ does not appear to be a float
- Zend_Validate_GreaterThan::NOT_GREATER
- ‘%value%’ is not greater than ‘%min%’
- Zend_Validate_Hex::NOT_HEX
- ‘%value%’ has not only hexadecimal digit characters
- Zend_Validate_Hostname::IP_ADDRESS_NOT_ALLOWED
- ‘%value%’ appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed
- Zend_Validate_Hostname::UNKNOWN_TLD
- ‘%value%’ appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list
- Zend_Validate_Hostname::INVALID_DASH
- ‘%value%’ appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash (-) in an invalid position
- Zend_Validate_Hostname::INVALID_HOSTNAME_SCHEMA
- ‘%value%’ appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD ‘%tld%’
- Zend_Validate_Hostname::UNDECIPHERABLE_TLD
- ‘%value%’ appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part
- Zend_Validate_Hostname::INVALID_HOSTNAME
- ‘%value%’ does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname
- Zend_Validate_Hostname::INVALID_LOCAL_NAME
- ‘%value%’ does not appear to be a valid local network name
- Zend_Validate_Hostname::LOCAL_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED
- ‘%value%’ appears to be a local network name but but local network names are not allowed
- Zend_Validate_InArray::NOT_IN_ARRAY
- ‘%value%’ was not found in the haystack
- Zend_Validate_Int::NOT_INT
- ‘%value%’ does not appear to be an integer
- Zend_Validate_Ip::NOT_IP_ADDRESS
- ‘%value%’ does not appear to be a valid IP address
- Zend_Validate_LessThan::NOT_LESS
- ‘%value%’ is not less than ‘%max%’
- Zend_Validate_NotEmpty::IS_EMPTY
- Value is empty, but a non-empty value is required
- Zend_Validate_Regex::NOT_MATCH
- ‘%value%’ does not match against pattern ‘%pattern%’
- Zend_Validate_StringLength::TOO_SHORT
- ‘%value%’ is less than %min% characters long
- Zend_Validate_StringLength::TOO_LONG
- ‘%value%’ is greater than %max% characters long
Finally, you can also change the generic “not empty” and “missing” messages in Zend_Filter_Input using:
$options = array(
'notEmptyMessage' => "A non-empty value is required for field '%field%'",
'missingMessage' => "Field '%field%' is required"
$filters = array('body' => array('StringTrim' , 'StripTags'));
$validators = array('body' => 'Alpha');
$input = new Zend_Filter_Input($filters, $validators, $_POST);
Now you can fix those messages to say something useful and your users will thank you for it!
I'm not sure if this is mentioned in the official docs, but if you aren't interested in the particular type of validation error thrown by a validator in a Zend_Input_Filter chain, you don't have to assign your custom message to a constant. Rather, you can just assign a single message to the validator.
For instance, the two messages for Zend_Validate_Between are pretty similar, and you might not want to have to assign a message to both constants. In this case, the following code would allow you to specify a custom message for both errors NOT_BETWEEN and NOT_BETWEEN_STRICT:
$validators = array(
'salary' => array(
array('Between', 10000, 20000),
'messages' => array(
'Salary must be between $10,000 and $20,000')));
Cheers Steve!
Theres a bug in Zend_Input_Fitler at the moment, it kind of drove me nuts for a few hours.
Validators with stringEmpty validation messages cannot have those messages overwritten by the ones you define in options.
So even if you define a custom 'notEmptyMessage' in the options, the alnum validator will still send back its default notEmpty message.
See http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-1912
Oh I should have mentoned in the last post, you can still use define messages for Zend_Validate_Alnum::STRING_EMPTY in the validators array you send Zend_Filter_Input, it just means a lot of extra lines on complex forms until they fix the bug.