Pragmatism in the real world

Darkening an image with ImageMagick

I regularly need to darken images for background use behind a title. I've been using a filter in Acorn, but finally decided to make it a script that uses ImageMagick so that I could simplify it all with Alfred. This is the script: #!/usr/bin/env bash if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "Usage: darken-image [contrast=40]" echo "" exit 1 fi in_filename="$1" amount=${2:-40} # Set output filename to original filename with "-darker" appended extension="${in_filename##*.}" name="${in_filename%.*}"… continue reading.

Updating Flickr metadata using Python

I usually use my rodeo app to upload photos to Flickr, but for various reasons, I recently uploaded some photos directly via Flickr itself. One feature of rodeo that I really like is that it sets the date posted to be the same as date taken which means that they are ordered correctly in my photo stream. As this doesn't automatically, I knocked up a Python script to fix these photos for me. The key… continue reading.

Creating montages with ImageMagick

When creating my Year in Pictures post I decided that I wanted a montage of all the photos I had taken. In previous years, I've done this by taking a screenshot in an application where I try to set the zoom level correctly to get something acceptable. This time, I decided to do it properly and guessed that ImageMagick could help. After googling, I came up with this process: Export all images from Photos into… continue reading.