Pragmatism in the real world

Akrabat_Config (5)

Matthew Delmarter noticed a problem with Akrabat_Config. Essentially when you load a single section that overrides one item of a nested array from another section, all the other items get “lost”.

I’ve fixed it and this time thought I’d supply a zip file of the files!

I’ve also updated the code so that it can support different types of config files. We now have Akrabat_Config_Abstract and Akrabat_Config_Ini.

A test for the bug is as follows:
function testNestedOverrides()
$config = new Akrabat_Config_Ini($this->_iniFileConfig, 'test');
$this->assertEquals('staging', $config->db['name']);
$this->assertEquals('username', $config->db['user']);

using this config.ini:

hostname = all
akey = avalue = all =
db.user = username
db.pass = password

include = all = staging

The failure occurs because $config->db[‘user’] is not set. To fix it, I have introduced a local version of array_merge_recursive that overwrites keys that already exist. This is different from php’s array_merge_recursive which creates a subarray in that instance.

< ?php $ar1 = array("color" => array("favorite" => "red"), 5);
$ar2 = array(10, "color" => array("favorite" => "green", "blue"));
$result = array_merge_recursive($ar1, $ar2);

produces the $result:

[color] => Array
[favorite] => Array
[0] => red
[1] => green

[0] => blue

[0] => 5
[1] => 10

whereas I need a $result of:

[color] => Array
[favorite] => green
[0] => blue

[0] => 5
[1] => 10

Thanks Matthew for noticing!

update: Fixed links to zip files. Thanks Ivan!

One thought on “Akrabat_Config (5)

  1. Hi,

    Just to tell you the links are dead
    (excuse my poor english, I'm french ;) )

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