An Ansible playbook for Swift
I’ve been learning Swift recently and now that it’s Open Source, I’m looking at using it on my Linux server.
Firstly however, I wanted to run it within a Vagrant box locally and as I provision all my boxes via Ansible, I created a simple playbook and am recording it here in case its useful to anyone else!
The installation instructions are easy to follow, so I simply replicated them as a set of actions. Note that the filename of the latest snapshot has the version and date included into it, so I created those as variables so that I could change them and just re-provision.
I usually run Ansible on my Vagrant VM directly as this means that I don’t need it installed locally and that my boxes are usable by people who have Windows. Hence, I use the shell provisioner to install Ansible first and then run the playbook. These are the files I use:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |c| c.vm.define "swiftdev", primary: true do |config| = "ubuntu/trusty64" "private_network", ip: "" config.vm.hostname = "swiftdev.localhost" # Prevent Vagrant 1.7 from asking for the vagrant user's password config.ssh.insert_key = false # Install ansible on guest & run playbook config.vm.provision :shell, :keep_color => true, :inline => <<SCRIPT if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' ansible 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ]; then export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive echo "Add Ansible repository" apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible &> /dev/null || exit 1 apt-get update -qq echo "Installing Ansible" apt-get install -qq ansible &> /dev/null || exit 1 echo "Runing apt-get upgrade" apt-get update -qq &> /dev/null || exit 1 apt-get upgrade -y &> /dev/null || exit 1 fi echo "Running Ansible playbook" export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 export ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR=1 su vagrant -c "ansible-playbook -i, --connection=local /vagrant/vm-provisioning/init.yml" SCRIPT end end
Notice that I run the init.yml playbook as the vagrant user so that the correct home directory is used. This is the main playbook:
--- - hosts: all vars: swift_snapshot: "swift-2.2-SNAPSHOT-2015-12-10-a" tasks: - name: Install useful packages apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest with_items: # - curl - vim sudo: yes include: swift.yml
This doesn’t do much. It sets the variables for the swift snapshot that we want and also installs vim and curl as they are always useful!
Finally, we then install Swift itself into our home directory:
--- - hosts: all tasks: - name: Create swift directory file: path=~/swift state=directory owner=vagrant group=vagrant - name: Install packages for swift apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest with_items: - clang-3.6 - libicu-dev sudo: yes - name: Use clang 3.6 alternatives: name=clang link=/usr/bin/clang path=/usr/bin/clang-3.6 sudo: yes - name: Use clang++ 3.6 alternatives: name=clang++ link=/usr/bin/clang++ path=/usr/bin/clang++-3.6 sudo: yes - name: Grab gpg keys shell: gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys '7463 A81A 4B2E EA1B 551F FBCF D441 C977 412B 37AD' '1BE1 E29A 084C B305 F397 D62A 9F59 7F4D 21A5 6D5F' args: chdir: /home/vagrant - name: Refresh gpg keys shell: gpg --keyserver hkp:// --refresh-keys Swift - name: Create swift directory file: path=~/swift state=directory owner=vagrant group=vagrant - name: Download Swift snapshot get_url: > url={{ swift_snapshot }}/{{ swift_snapshot }}-ubuntu14.04.tar.gz dest=~/swift/swift-snapshot.tar.gz mode=0444 owner=vagrant - name: Download Swift snapshot signature file get_url: > url={{ swift_snapshot }}/{{ swift_snapshot }}-ubuntu14.04.tar.gz.sig dest=~/swift/swift-snapshot.tar.gz.sig mode=0444 owner=vagrant - name: Verify snapshot file command: gpg --verify swift-snapshot.tar.gz.sig swift-snapshot.tar.gz args: chdir: ~/swift - name: Remove current version shell: rm -rf usr args: chdir: ~/swift - name: Extract archive shell: tar xzf swift-snapshot.tar.gz --strip-components 1 args: chdir: ~/swift - name: Update bashrc lineinfile: dest=~/.bashrc line='export PATH=~/swift/usr/bin:"${PATH}"' regexp="^export PATH=~/swift/usr/bin" owner=vagrant state=present insertafter=EOF create=True
That’s it. You can now vagrant ssh into the VM and run swift on the command line: