Pragmatism in the real world

RESTful APIs and media-types

Evert Pot recently posted REST is in the eye of the beholder. Go ahead and read it; it's good! It discusses the fact that most APIs that are self-described as RESTful are not hypermedia driven and hence are not actually RESTful as originally defined by Roy Fielding. Evert goes on to state that therefore the term "REST API" has changed to mean an HTTP API that isn't hypermedia-driven. I think that what the world currently… continue reading.

API errors are first class citizens

It seems to me that error handling is an afterthought in far too many APIs. When designing an API, I implore you to design your error handling too! The way that your API presents an error is key to a good API; developers integrating with your API will judge you on it. Follow the HTTP rules Just because it's an error doesn't mean that you can forget your HTTP. You need to be a great… continue reading.