Pragmatism in the real world

Akrabat_Config (2nd Attempt)

Update! This version has been superceded! Check out Akrabat_Config (Take Three!) for an even better version… Nico Edtinger was kind enough to review Akrabat_Config and pointed out that it wouldn't handle a key with multiple dots in it. His post to fw-general: One method I don't "like" is processSection(). If I have a name like "" it would be saved as $config['foo']['bar'], dropping the last part because you explode without a third parameter. It should… continue reading.


Update! This version has bugs! Check out Akrabat_Config (2nd Attempt) for a better version. Work has been manic, but I've finally found some time to do a bit more work on my Zend Framework test site. I've now got a concept for a simple CRUD type application that I'd like to write. It's hardly imaginative and I'm sure that there are loads of other ones out there already, but it'll do for testing stuff :)… continue reading.

Zend Framework: Router Again

I've updated Akrabat_Router to take advantage of a patch posted by Christopher Thompson on the fw-general list. I've also put in support for using traditional request variables so that I can have urls like http://localhost/zf_test/index.php?command=user&action=login etc. This is mainly for use with IIS as ISAPI_Rewrite costs money :) The class now looks like this:

ZF Authentication

I was going to look at storing content to the database having done collection of data from the database. However, in trying to that, it became obvious that I need to look at logging in too. Looking at authentication first I decided to approach it using the Front Controller's Plugin system. However, having got half way into the implementation, I'm not convinced. Ideally you need finer control and only request for logging for specific controllers… continue reading.

Zend Framework: Test Code Upgrade to 0.1.2

I've upgraded my test application to Zend Framework 0.1.2 and these are my notes: I've changed my directory structure to match the one suggested in the manual. This involved moving a few files around, but nothing to major. I also changed all the paths in index.php to point at the new places. The new directory structure looks like:

Zend Framework 0.1.2

The Zend Framework 0.1.2 is now out, so it's time to get out WinMerge and see what's changed :) There's lots of changes, one of which I reported! Zend::loadClass() and Zend::loadInterface() now work with __autoload ! Other highlights are a lot of changes to the filter stuff and a few other changes to the other main modules. I have only looked at the View and the Controller modules so far so will only comment on… continue reading.

Zend Framework: Database Access

Now that I have the semblence of a working system with views coupled up to our action controllers it's time to look at what the database classes do. (I’ve uploaded some example code: ZF Test v2 to show that it all really works! Let me know if you find any bugs…) As before, I'm looking to make my life easy when it comes to writing my applications. To understand what's possible, I'm going to play… continue reading.

Zend Framework Views and the Front Controller

Following on from my last post, I've now played with integrating Zend_View into the system. Whilst I was playing, I discovered that Nucleuz has put up a tutorial on I quite like his approach, but needing to call $this->display(); in every controller's action strikes me as a pain. Another problem is that you can forward from one action to another, and so the view needs to follow with you. The approach in this entry… continue reading.

Zend Framework Front Controller

Zend have finally released a preview of their new framework at I've started having a play and their implementation of a Front Controller is quite similar to what I've been playing with. This isn't a total suprise as there aren't that many ways to do a Front Controller :) The documentation on the Zend/Controller directory is completely non existant, so I've worked out the basics by reading the source. Fortunately, the source isn't too… continue reading.