Pragmatism in the real world

Zend Framework 2 in Action

Possibly the most frequently asked questions about my book Zend Framework in Action is whether it is going to be updated. I'm delighted to be able to announce that Ryan Mauger (aka @Bittarman) and myself have agreed with Manning to write a new book on Zend Framework 2.0. to be called Zend Framework 2 in Action! It's very early days, so we have planned the Table of Contents, but have very little manuscript. The current… continue reading.

Manning is on Twitter

I use Twitter's search feature to create RSS feeds for useful terms, like "Zend Framework". Today I noticed a tweet from ManningBooks, my publisher for Zend Framework in Action! It turns out that they've put up a sample of the book on Scribed! Check out the book, then order it, remembering to use the coupon code scribd25…

Zend Framework in Action forum and errata

Although I'm not posting here much at the moment, I am answering questions about my Zend Framework book in Manning's Author Online forums. There's a fairly active discussion going on as readers find areas that they are struggling with and I do my best to contribute to most of the threads when I can. Also, if you missed it, I have a post containing the errata that we have found. If something doesn't make sense,… continue reading.

Zend Framework in Action Errata

Note that ZFiA was written for version 1.5 of Zend Framework. If you are using version 1.8 or later, then please read this article on Zend Loader. This is a list of issues that we are aware of: Chapter 2 On page 18, the right hand bracket in the first paragraph is not needed. On page 38, in the last code block, the first line of the method should be: $cutOff = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-3 months'));… continue reading.

UK PHP Conference

I'm not sure how many people follow my the Zend Framework in Action website yet, so I thought I'd advertise here that I've just posted about my upcoming session at the UK PHP Conference. Go and read it and then subscribe to the RSS feed!

New Zend Framework Blog/Website

I thought I'd start a new website to talk about all things Zend Framework, so I'm introducing to the world. The intention is to highlight interesting things that I see on the Zend Framework mailing lists and also to talk about book stuff periodically as well. Obviously, if you follow the ZF mailing lists religiously, then you may find that you recognise the content of a lot of the posts, but if not, then… continue reading.

Zend Framework Book coming soon

Now that it's been announced by Manning, I think I can talk a little more about the project that's been taking up most of my spare time! Zend Framework in Action is a collaboration between myself and Nick Lo. We are still writing, but Chapter 1 is available for you to download and see where we are heading with the book. Manning has an early access program where you can get access to pre-production PDFs… continue reading.