Using Docker to create a MySQL server
When working on test code on my computer, I usually use the built-in PHP server (php -S) which works nicely. Every so often, I need access to MySQL and I use Docker to temporarily create a MySQL server for me. This is how I do it.
The magic command is:
$ docker run --name mysql \
-e MYSQL_USER=rob -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=123456 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=bookshelf \
-p 3306:3306 -d mysql/mysql-server:5.7
This creates a Docker container called “mysql” on port 3306. We pass three environment variables: MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD & MYSQL_DATABASE which are our credentials and the database name.
Client access to the database
If you have the MySQL command line client installed, you can access your database like this:
$ mysql --protocol=TCP -u rob -p123456
We need to use TCP protocol as there’s no socket in play here. If, like me, you’re too lazy to type --protocol=TCP each time, then set it in your ~/.my.cnf file like this:
One of the easier ways to get a MySQL command line client on Mac, is to install MySQL WorkBench and add /Applications/ to the path as Homebrew seems to want to install the server too.
Controlling the container
Stop the container using: docker stop mysql and restart it again with docker start mysql. When you’re finished with it, you can delete it with docker rm mysql.
Restoring a dump file
As these MySQL instances are temporary for me, I install a database schema using:
cat seed-mysql.sql | mysql --protocol=TCP -u rob -p123456 rob bookshelf
(Obviously, you’d use same credentials as you ran your container with!)
That’s all there is to having a temporary MySQL install running locally for development.
If you don't have the mysql client installed, you can just use the one in the container:
docker exec -it mysql mysql -u rob -p123456
Good snippets
Will use it
Worked for me really well, only issue is not having root access. Tried to create a new database in the server with the user 'rob' and I was getting access issues. I've tried to follow the mysql docker hub page and it seems to not be working for me.