Pragmatism in the real world

Changing Apigility's auth token expiry

By default, the OAuth 2 token that is generated in an Apigility app expires in 1 hour. Upon expiry, the client is expected to use the refresh token to get a new access token. You can see this when you authenticate via a POST to /oauth as you get this response back: { "access_token": "3812aaea7640a2567c66e21e2587450821103552", "expires_in": 3600, "token_type": "Bearer", "scope": null, "refresh_token": "72d5df08c971526a4ba7c83ec2a7b92d82d9715b" } If you need longer than 1 hour, then simply add this… continue reading.

Custom OAuth2 authentication in Apiiglity

I have a client that's writing an Apigility API that needs to talk to a database that's already in place. This also includes the users table that is to be used with Apigility's OAuth2 authentication. Getting Apigility's OAuth2 integration to talk to a specific table name is quite easy. Simply add this config: 'storage_settings' => array( 'user_table' => 'user', ), To the relevant adapter within zf-mvc-auth => authentication config. However, if you want to use… continue reading.

Apigility tutorial on TechPortal

A few days ago, techPortal published my tutorial Create a RESTful API with Apigility. Apigility was announced at ZendCon US in October 2013 and I think that it looks like a useful tool for creating APIs. I particularly like that versioning is built in from the start and that it handles content negotiation. If you want to learn about Apigility, then have a read. The source code is available on GitHub.

Investigating Apigility

At ZendCon 2013, Zend announced Apigility which is intended to ease the creation of APIs. It consists of these things: A set of ZF2 modules that do the heavy lifting of creating an API A application wrapper for creating standalone web API applications A built-in administration website for use in development to define the API Rather nicely, it supports REST and RPC and deal with error handling, versioning & content negotiation for you. Getting started… continue reading.