Pragmatism in the real world

Running Slim 4 in a subdirectory

If you want to run Slim 4 in a subdirectory of your website, then you have a few things you need to do. Let's consider the situation: Your main website is in the directory /var/www/html and is accessed at You want your new Slim 4 app to be in the directory /var/www/html/myapp and to be accessed at Your Slim 4 index.php file is stored in /var/www/html/myapp. There are two things you need to… continue reading.

Slim4-empty: minimal Slim 4 starting point

To simplify creating a new Slim 4 project, I've created slim4-empty which does this for me. To use it: $ composer create-project akrabat/slim4-empty my-new-project and you're done! The my-new-project directory is created and contains Slim 4 along with a minimally viable public/index.php to get you going. You can then run it with the PHP built-in server: php -S -t public/ And navigate to https://localhost:8888 to view "Hello World" in your browser. What does it… continue reading.

Receiving input into a Slim 4 application

A Slim 4 (and Slim 3) application receives data from three places: Any query parameters on the URL (the key-value pairs after the ?) The HTTP message's body (usually for POST and PUT) messages Parameters in the URL (such as the 3 in Within the application, these are available within the PSR-7 Request object. Let's start with a simple Slim 4 application. Firstly we require the Slim framework and a PSR-7 implementation: $ composer… continue reading.

Displaying exif information in WordPress posts

After discovering that WordPress modifies img tags when rendering a page, it crossed my mind that I could display exif information underneath each image on my new photography blog. The basic process is applicable to any manipulation of the content that you would want to do before it is displayed. To do this, we add a new filter to the the_content hook: add_filter('the_content', function ($content) { // manipulate $content return $content; }); As with all… continue reading.

Images and WordPress

My new WordPress project has multiple photographs per post and as I wanted them to work in an efficient manner for multiple screen resolutions. The secret to this is the srcset and sizes attributes on the img tag. It turns out that WordPress will create multiple sized thumbnails when you upload an image. It will also add the srcset and sizes attributes into your img tags for you if your image tag has a class… continue reading.

Developing WordPress sites with Docker

I recently set up a new WordPress based website and local Docker-based development environment. This post documents what I did, so that I can do it again next time! As I'm not in the WordPress world, many things are strange to me and I'm indebted to Jenny Wong for pointing me in the right direction on numerous occasions and being very patient with my questions! Thanks Jenny! Project organisation There's always ancillary files and directories… continue reading.

Running PHP applications on Azure App Engine

Azure App Service is a way to host your web application in a container without having to think about the server. It's the same PaaS concept as AWS Elastic Beanstalk and supports all the main web programming languages. It also supports Windows and Linux OS containers. I have a client that is moving an on-premises PHP application to App Service and so have been looking at what I needed to do to deploy it there.… continue reading.

PHP Architect: Serverless PHP With Bref, Part 2

Part two of my article on using Serverless PHP using Bref has been published! In part one, I introduced Bref as we wrote a simple "Hello World" application. Part follows this up exploring a more complete serverless application, my Project365 website. This S3 hosted static website is build using a serverless PHP function that connects to the Flickr API to retrieve my my one-photo-per-day images and present them on a single page per year. In… continue reading.

My Bref Makefile

In order to use Bref efficiently, I've developed a Makefile so that I don't have to remember all the various commands required. In particular, looking up the correct parameters to sam package & sam deploy is a pain and it's much easier to type make deploy and it all works as I expect. It looks like this:

PHP Architect: Serverless PHP With Bref, Part 1

I've written a two-part series on Serverless PHP on AWS Lambda using Matthieu Napoli's Bref for php[architect]. Part one has been published in the May 2019 issue and if you're not already a subscriber, you should be! If you just want to learn about Bref though, then my introduction to Bref is available for free, just for you!