Pragmatism in the real world

New Zend_Auth tutorial

After too many months of neglect, I have completely rewritten my Zend_Auth tutorial so that it is compatible with Zend Framework 1.10! As an experiment, I have written it directly in HTML, rather than PDF as before and cover the login form along with the login controller code required to authenticate a user using a database table. For good measure, I've included logging out and a view helper to show how to access the logged… continue reading.

Akrabat_Db_Schema_Manager: table prefix support

I've updated Akrabat_Db_Schema_Manager so that it now supports table prefixes. It uses the application.ini key of resources.db.table_prefix as I couldn't think of a better one :) and then uses that for the schema_version table's name and also makes it available in your change objects. For example, if application.ini contains resources.db.table_prefix = "myapp", then the manager will create the table myapp_schema_version to store the current version of the schema. In your change classes, you can then… continue reading.

The Dutch PHP conference 2010

This year I was invited to speak at DPC 2010 which was a great conference. I've published to Flickr, my complete set of photos from DPC 10. Arriving on Wednesday, the day before the conference, I managed to get to meet up with my friend Juliette, along with a some of the other speakers for a barbeque which was a lot of fun. We ate, we drank (lots) and possibly this pose by Chris was… continue reading.

Community Review Team for Zend Framework

On the ZF mailing lists, there's been a discussion on creating a community team with a follow-up by Matthew. I was going to write up a little about it as I'm one of the volunteers on the team. However, Pádraic beat me to it and I don't think I could have written it any better, so go and read his write-up instead! The CR Team at the moment is: Rob Allen (Akrabat) Pádraic Brady (PadraicB)… continue reading.

MongoDB on OS X with the stock PHP installation

MongoDB was mentioned a few times at tek and I said that I wanted to have a look at. Travis' article, MongoDB: A first look, came out a few days ago and piqued my interest further. Then Matthew sent me some source code that requires it. The stage was set for getting MongoDB working on my Mac. MongoDB I use homebrew as a package manager for installing open source bits and bobs like couchdb, git,… continue reading.

Tek.X recap

TekX (pronounced Tek-Ten) has finished and we've all gone back to our respective daily lives. I had a blast and learnt a thing or two as well… I've also been a little busy, which is why this post is "late". The week started on Saturday when I flew to Chicago from Manchester. Rather helpfully, tek was held at a hotel close enough to the airport, that the hotel had a free shuttle. As a tip… continue reading.

Meet the TEK·X speakers

I mentioned back in January that I'll be speaking at TEK.X in Chicago next month. Since then I've fleshed out the talks that I'll be giving and think they should be quite interesting. It turns out that Zend_Form is such a large topic that I could probably speak for 3 hours on it! As a result, I've concentrated on providing a overview of the component and how to use it followed by a look at… continue reading.

Using PDT with Zend Framework Projects

I original wrote this as a comment on Victor Nicollet's blog, but I thought I should document it here too so that I can refer other people to the information. These are some tips and tricks when using PDT with Zend Framework that make my life easier: Autocompletion for dynamic properties Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract uses __get() and __set() magic in order to map to the underlying database table row in question. This means that you can use… continue reading.

Akrabat_Db_Schema_Manager: Zend Framework database migrations

So, it turns out that I had a need for database migrations within a Zend Framework project that's using Zend_Db_Adapter. Those of you with long memories may remember that I created a proposal along these lines back in 2006. Nearly four years later, I read it again and implemented the core section. One of the comments, by Wil, asked why it's worth bothering with a DDL to create tables, columns, indexes etc. as sooner or… continue reading.

Photos of Seagulls

Today was a good day in photography for me as for the first time in absolutely ages, I took some time out to take photos for the sake of taking the picture. My son was at a birthday party and I had about an hour free, so I went down by the river Severn in Worcester. Worcester has a cathedral and I was lucky enough to have some lowish sun shining on it: I don't… continue reading.