Pragmatism in the real world

A few thoughts on conferences

Last week, I attended PHPUK 2024. This is one of the major PHP conferences and I was pleased to speak about DDD there. Sam and the team did a fantastic job this year with the videos already published. To my mind, attending a conference provides a number of benefits. The first and most obvious one is that you learn some amazing things, from people who tend to know what they are talking about. At PHPUK… continue reading.

PHPUK 2023

I have just returned from the 2023 edition of PHPUK and, as always, found it a valuable conference to catch up with the PHP community and find out what’s happening in the ecosystem. This year, I was accepted to speak on the differences between RPC, REST and GraphQL APIs and was surprised and gratified that the room was at full capacity. Thank you to everyone that attended; I hope that you learnt something useful. I… continue reading.

PHPNW 2016 API Tutorial

If you're attending my Building Modern APIs in PHP tutorial at PHPNW 2016, please bring a laptop with the following installed: * PHP 7 with the sqlite extension installed * curl command line tool * extracted to a convenient directory Thanks. I'm looking forward to it and hope you are too! Oh, and if you don't have an ticket yet, they are still available.

WordCamp London, 2015

One of my recent goals has been to attend different conferences from the PHP-community-centric ones that I usually attend. I want to expose myself to different ideas, mindsets and communities. To this end, I attended WordCamp London last weekend and had a blast. Everyone I spoke to was enthusiastic, friendly and welcoming which made for a very pleasant weekend and the selection of talks meant that I managed to learn about WordPress too! The first… continue reading.

PHPNW12: Some photos

PHPNW12 was excellent. I gave a tutorial with Evan Coury and also talk on ZendForm, both of which seemed to be appreciated. I also took some photos! Tutorial day: Paul at the hackathon: Keynote speaker Ade Oshineye: Hacking in the bar: Michelangelo's closing keynote: All in all, it was an excellent conference and I recommend that you read Rafael's write up to get a feel for what it was like.

ZF2 training at PHPNW 2012

Following on from last year, PHPNW 12 has a tutorial day again on 5th October 2012 and Evan Coury and I are presenting a full day tutorial on Zend Framework 2. The Zend Framework 2 tutorial day will be fantastic! This is the information about it: With Zend Framework 2 released, this tutorial will walk you through building a complete ZF2 MVC application from the ground up. Starting with the ZF2 skeleton application, we’ll discuss… continue reading.

Bring a laptop to my ZF2 tutorial at PHPNW11

If you are attending my ZF2 tutorial at the PHPNW11 conference on Friday, I thought I'd remind you that you may find it useful to bring a laptop. Ideally, your laptop should be set up with PHP 5.3 and MySQL and a working copy of my ZF1 tutorial. It would be a good idea to have a vhost set up on http://zf2tutorial.localhost or similar. Ability to create additional vhosts may come in handy. The PHP… continue reading.

Day Camp 4 Developers #3: Project Management

I'm delighted to be able to announce that I'm speaking at the next Day Camp 4 Developers on 1st October. Day Camp 4 Developers is a one-day online conference run by our friend Cal Evans and is now onto its 3rd outing. An online conference is one that you attend in your own home (or office!) which keeps the costs down considerably, so you have no excuse not to buy a ticket: just $40! Day… continue reading.

tek11 photos

Following on from the previous post, these are some of my favourites from php|tek 11. On the day before tek started, playing mini-golf with Helgi, Ian,Kathy, Rafael & Lorna was fun It wouldn't be a trip to Chicago without pizza! I loved Liz's hat Lig had a two-hands-one-mouth problem… The social events at tek are great. You can usually find Liz enjoying the party! It was always fun to see groups showing off some cool… continue reading.