Pragmatism in the real world

Zend_Config Updates

I updated Zend_Config to close a couple of issues today: ZF-1417: Add get() accessor to allow default values from a config node ZF-1461: Deprecated method Zend_Config::toArray() still in use Note that fixing ZF-1461 means that asArray() no longer exists and you now need to use toArray()!

More translations

I seem to just be posting about translations of my tutorial at the moment, and I've yet more news on that front! Stig Benning has translated the Getting Started Tutorial into Danish! He asked a few days ago and then emailed me the finished translation a couple of days later. Thanks very much Stig. Also, Daniel Messer has updated the German translation to sync it with the latest version which is great. Daniel wrote the… continue reading.

Quiet around here

Sorry that it's been a bit quiet around here recently. It's been manic at work (more than usual!) but hopefully that's behind me for a few weeks now. I'm sure everyone who reads this blog is probably up to date with what's happening in the PHP world, so I won't repeat it all here, as you can just wander over to Planet PHP anyway! In the Zend Framework world, Pádraic has written an interesting set… continue reading.

Simplified Chinese Version of my Zend Auth Tutorial

Just a quick heads up to let you know that that Jason Qi has published the Simplified Chinese version of my Getting Started with Zend Auth tutorial. You can find the PDF on his download site. Thanks Jason. Jason and others have also spotted a few issues with the tutorial, so I have updated it and we are now at version 1.0.4! Thanks guys for pointing out the issues so that the tutorial makes more… continue reading.

Questions regarding the latest tutorial (1.3.0)

I've been asked a couple of questions via email that I think are probably worth answering here, just in case others are wondering the same thing! 1) Why did you change the functionality of the BaseURL? You moved the BaseURL to the IndexController and in the previous version it was in the Bootstrap. The main reason I did this is that the new MVC code works out the base URL for us in the request… continue reading.

New Tutorial: Getting Started with Zend Auth

Having promised that I'd look into a tutorial for Zend_Auth ages and ages ago, I've finally managed to get one together… Note that this tutorial only covers Zend_Auth; Zend_Acl will have to be the topic for another one at some point in the future! As always, if you have any comments (especially corrections!) then please let me know. Who knows? Maybe we won't need 30 revisions to catch all the typos this time! Update That… continue reading.

Zend Framework Tutorial for 0.9.1

I've finally managed to update my tutorial for version 0.9 of the Zend Framework. Sorry for the delay. This is a significant reworking of the code to take into account the changes in the framework, so there are bound to be a few typos. If you find any, I'd appreciate it if you could let me know!

Typo in Zend Framework 0.9

The good news: Zend Framework version 0.9 came out today The bad news: There's a typo in Zend/Db/Table/Row/Abstract.php! (Issue is ZF-1080) To fix it, add a < at the start of the first line of Zend/Db/Table/Row/Abstract.php so that it reads: <?php Oh well…

Goodbye Zend.php

For those of you not following along on the fw-general mailing list, the Zend.php file along with its Zend class has now gone! This is good news as the Zend class was schizophrenic and provided functions responsible for file loading, registry, debugging and version information! Another side effect is that the entire Zend Framework is stored within the Zend directory making those who use svn:externals on their lib directory happier. We now have new classes:… continue reading.