Pragmatism in the real world

Writing out the page contents in Playwright

I recently had a problem with a failing Playwright test that only happened when running in Docker. The test that was failing was: let locator = page.locator('a[href="/login"].nav-link'); await; await expect(page).toHaveTitle(/Log in/); The test clicks the link to go to /login and then checks that the next page's title contains the text "Log in". Not an especially complicated test, so I was quite surprised when it failed claiming that the title was blank. To work… continue reading.

Invoking many OpenWhisk actions from another one

I have a project where I need to store a number of items into a data store. I have an OpenWhisk action that stores the items so I wrote an action that takes advantage of the OpenWhisk JS client library to do invoke my store action once for each item in an array that this action receives. This is the JavaScript code that I used: "use strict"; const openwhisk = require('openwhisk'); async function main(params) {… continue reading.

Using async/await in OpenWhisk

I'm currently writing an OpenWhisk action in JavaScript that searches Twitter using their API. To do this, I need to get a bearer token from one API endpoint and then call the search endpoint. Disclaimer: I'm in no way a JavaScript expert, so I would love it if you could constructively suggest improvements in the comments! To do this in OpenWhisk, you need to use Promises like this:

Dynamic Tabs Subversion Respository

With the help of Cliff, I've finally got a publically accessible subversion repository online at! The first project with actual code in it is my Dynamic Javascript Tabs. I've updated the trunk to include the change suggested by Samio so that the "activation" code is not part of the js file and is not part of the htm file.

Dynamic JavaScript Tabs v1.0.3

Simon Hamilton contacted me about adding ids to each tab, so I did! I've also fixed the CSS error that Adam noticed and correctly updated the version number in the license block! Update: I've created a separate page to hold the download link

Dynamic JavaScript Tabs v1.0.2

I received a patch from Imobach González Sosa to allow the Dynamic JavaScript Tabs code to support more than one tab container set on a single page. I've applied the patch and this is version 1.0.2! Thanks Imobach! Update: I've created a separate page to hold the download link

Bug in Dynamic JavaScript Tabs

There's a bug in the Dynamic JavaScript Tabs code that I wrote. If you have "too many" tabs then they go onto a new line and look really ugly. It's a CSS issue that I haven't solved yet.. Anyone out there have any idea why I can't have 7 tabs? If you do, I'd appreciate a pointer! Update I've now worked out what it is and I'm being brain dead :) I set the width… continue reading.

Dynamic JavaScript Tabs v1.0.1

Using the Dynamic JavaScript Tabs in CMS Made Simple has shown up a small bug if you include the tabs.js file on a page that does not have an element with an id of "tabcontainer". Hence, I've released version 1.0.1 to fix this. No new features have been added. Update: I've created a separate page to hold the download link

Dynamic JavaScript Tabs

This is some code that I wrote to create dynamic tabs. I use it for forms where I have a lot of fields and a good percentage are "advanced" or otherwise not important enough to have visible immediately. The CSS is based on ideas from Silverorange Labs and the JS code is mine. The code is released under the MIT license which basically means you can do what you like with it as long as… continue reading.