Pragmatism in the real world

2010 in pictures

Another year is over, and as is becoming a tradition, I like to show off some photos that recap my year!\ January We started the year with a visit to the zoo! There was also snowy weather last January and on the last day of the month, we put our house on the market. We would be accepting an offer on it in late October. February In February, I took pictures of canal boats. The… continue reading.

Photos of Seagulls

Today was a good day in photography for me as for the first time in absolutely ages, I took some time out to take photos for the sake of taking the picture. My son was at a birthday party and I had about an hour free, so I went down by the river Severn in Worcester. Worcester has a cathedral and I was lucky enough to have some lowish sun shining on it: I don't… continue reading.

Mobile web monopoly

There's a recent post by Peter-Paul Koch called The iPhone obsession about how Mobile Safari is being treated by web developers as the only web browser to develop for. PPK likens this to how we all used to only develop for IE6. Unfortunately, the article has lots of hyperbole and iPhone hate which significantly detracts from the actual message. The fundamental point is that Mobile Safari is not the only web browser available on phones… continue reading.

2009 in pictures

Like last year, my wrap up is mostly an excuse to show off some of the photos I took in 2009! January Other than the snow, The big thing that happened in January was that an article I wrote was published in php|architect. February We had daffodils in snow at the start of this month and then towards the end, the PHPUK conference took place. March Spring arrived in March. The Severn Valley Railway had… continue reading.

Three years of my Zend Framework Tutorial

Three years ago today, I published my first Getting Started with Zend Framework tutorial. This was the announcement. Back then, Zend Framework was at version 0.1.5 and a considerably smaller download than now :) Three years later and I haven't lost my enthusiasm for Zend Framework as you can tell since the latest version of the tutorial supports ZF 1.8 and 1.9 and uses the new features like Zend_Application and the command line Zend_Tool scripts.… continue reading.

DNS Transfer

Just a heads up, I am currently transferring the registrar for, so there may be an interruption of service here if I mess up :)

Women in open source communities

An incident occurred at a Rails conference recently where pictures of scantily clad women were used on slides. The attitude behind the use of the images disturbs me. To be clear, this is not a Rails issue as I aware of a similar issue in the PHP community and it is prevalent in the the entire IT industry. Martin Fowler has summed up pretty much how I feel about it: The nub is that whatever… continue reading.


Since the New Year, I've been very busy and have had little time for coding. One reason is that I decided to take a photo every single day of this year. It's proving fascinating, but is taking up more time per evening than I realised. Of course, as I get into the swing of things, the time taken choosing which image(s) to post and then processing them will go down :) If you are interested,… continue reading.

Seven Things – Tagged by Matthew

Like Matthew Weier O'Phinney, I don't really understand these tagged memes either, however, after he said such nice things about me, I thought I'd have a go. Seven things you may not know about me: My first programming job was programming PIC microcontrollers using Forth. Forth has been one of the more confusing languages that I've used. The first search engine I used was Gopher on a SparcStation 1 in 1991… My most expensive telephone… continue reading.

2008 in pictures

Everyone appears to do end-of-year wrap-up posts about this time of year, so I thought I would do one too… January We started the year with a trip to the zoo. I attempted to get a photo of a waterfall with that blurry water you see the good photographers do. February The highlight of February was talking at the UK PHP Conference in London. March A quiet month with most weekends doing something with the… continue reading.