Pragmatism in the real world

Using Monolog's TestHandler

When I write integration tests with PHPUnit, I find it helpful use Monolog's TestHandler to check that the logs I expect are generated. It's reasonably common that classes that write to a log take a PSR\Log\LoggerInterface in their constructor and then use that for logging. This usually logs to the error handler for pushing to Sentry or whatnot. This makes testing easy! For testing we can use the TestHandler which stores the logs it receives… continue reading.

Check licenses of composer dependencies

With some commercial projects, it can be useful to know that all your dependencies have licences that your organisation deems acceptable. I had this requirement for a few clients now and came up with this script that we ran as part of our CI which would then fail if a dependency used a license that wasn't allowed. This proved to be reasonably easy as composer licenses will provide a list of all packages with their… continue reading.

Creating JWKS.json file in PHP

In order to verify a JWT created with an asymmetric key, the verifier needs to get the correct public key. One way to do is described in RFC7517 which describes the JSON Web Key format. Within the header of the JWT there is a kid property which is the key ID which is then used to find the correct key within a list provided at the /.well-known/jwks.json endpoint. The JWT header therefore looks something like… continue reading.

A quick guide to JWTs in PHP

The most common use of JWTs is as an authentication token, usually within an OAuth2 workflow. Creating these tokens is part and parcel of the authentication library that you use. I recently had a requirement to use a JWT independent of authentication and these are some notes on what I learned when researching with Lcobucci\JWT. Make up of a JWT To really understand JWTs, read RFC7519. For a more readable introduction, read the one on… continue reading.

PHPUK 2023

I have just returned from the 2023 edition of PHPUK and, as always, found it a valuable conference to catch up with the PHP community and find out what’s happening in the ecosystem. This year, I was accepted to speak on the differences between RPC, REST and GraphQL APIs and was surprised and gratified that the room was at full capacity. Thank you to everyone that attended; I hope that you learnt something useful. I… continue reading.

Installing Xdebug on PHP 8.1 installed with Homebrew

I have recently set up a new M2 MacBook Air and as usual, installed Homebrew and then installed PHP. Homebrew is always up to date, so it installed PHP 8.1 for me. Again, as usual, I installed Xdebug using pecl install xdebug. This whirrs and clicks for a while downloading and compiling the and then fails with: rob@ardent ~ $ pecl install xdebug downloading xdebug-3.1.5.tgz … Starting to download xdebug-3.1.5.tgz (232,070 bytes) … Build… continue reading.

Changelog generator for GitHub milestones

For many years now, I've been using Matthew Weier O'Phinney's changelog_generator script to generate an easy-to-read list of changes for a given milestone. Time has moved on; the Laminas project now uses Laminas Automatic Releases and Matthew hasn't updated his script since 2013. Since PHP 8, warnings have started appear, so it's clear updates were required. While I fully intend to see if I can use Automatic Releases on some projects, I have others where… continue reading.

Setting HTTP status code based on Exception in Slim 4

One thing that's quite convenient is to be able to throw an exception with a valid HTTP code set and have that code sent to the client. For example, you may have: throw new \RuntimeException("Not Found", 404); With the standard Slim 4 error handler, this response is sent to the client: $ curl -i -H "Accept:application/json" http://localhost:8888 HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error Host: localhost:8888 Content-type: application/json { "message": "Slim Application Error" } Ideally we want… continue reading.

Dependency injection in Serverless PHP with Bref

When writing PHP for AWS Lambda, Bref is the way to do it. One thing I like about Bref is that you can use PSR-15 Request Handlers to respond to API Gateway HTTP events as documented in the API Gateway HTTP events section of the Bref docs. The request handler is the same as used in PSR-7 micro-frameworks like Slim or Mezzio and can be thought of as a controller action. As such, it's really… continue reading.