Pragmatism in the real world

Render an array based on accept header

I'm currently working on an API using Slim 3 and needed a generic way to render arrays to XML, JSON or HTML based on the Request's Accept header. This is just good practice. The Accept header is used by a client to specify the media types that it accepts. Therefore if our client would like XML, I'd like to give it XML. Similarly for JSON. I also like to support an HTML rendering on my… continue reading.

The beginner's guide to rebasing your PR

You've successfully created a PR and it's in the queue to be merged. A maintainer looks at the code and asks you to rebase your PR so that they can merge it. Say what? The maintainer means that there have been other code changes on the project since you branched which means that your branch cannot be merged without conflicts and they would like to you to sort this out. These are the steps you… continue reading.

The beginner's guide to contributing to a GitHub project

This is a guide to contributing to an open source project that uses GitHub. It's mostly based on how I've seen Zend Framework, Slim Framework and operate. However, this is a general guide so check your project's README for specifics. TL;DR Skip to the summary. Step 1: Set up a working copy on your computer Firstly you need a local fork of the the project, so go ahead and press the "fork" button in… continue reading.

Simple Ansible file for Z-Ray preview

Recently, Zend made available a Z-Ray Technology Preview which takes the Z-Ray feature of Zend Server and makes it stand-alone. This is very interesting as it means that I can run it with the PHP 5.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Vagrant set up that I prefer. I decided to create an Ansible playbook to install Z-Ray into my VM. The Z-Ray instructions are clear enough, so it was simply a case of converting them to… continue reading.

Improved error handling in Slim 3 RC1

From RC1 of Slim 3, we have improved our error handling. We've always had error handling for HTML so that when an exception occurs, you get a nice error page that looks like this: However, if you're writing an API that sends and expects JSON, then it still sends back HTML: At least we set the right Content-Type and status code! However, this isn't really good enough. We should send back JSON if the client… continue reading.

random_bytes() in PHP 5.6 and 5.5

Last week, I needed some random data and using the power of the PHP manual, came across random_bytes which does exactly what I need. However, it's PHP7 only. As I target both Linux and Windows, I needed to do a bit more work to get it working which was fine, but a minor nuisance given that I know that there's a better way in PHP7. Talking on the IRC channel a few days later,… continue reading.

Slim-Csrf with Slim 3

In addition to the core Slim framework, we also ship a number of add-ons that are useful for specific types of problems. One of these is Slim-Csrf which provides CSRF protection. This is middleware that sets a token in the session for every request that you can then set as an hidden input field on a form. When the form is submitted, the middleware checks that the value in the form field matches the value… continue reading.

Using abstract factories with Slim 3

In my Slim 3 skeleton, I chose to put each action into its own class so that its dependencies are injected into the constructor. We then register each action with the DI Container like this: $container['App\Action\HomeAction'] = function ($c) { return new App\Action\HomeAction($c['view'], $c['logger']); }; In this case, HomeAction requires a view and a logger in order to operate. This is quite clear and easy. However, it requires you manually register each action class with… continue reading.

Checking your code for PSR-2

Most of the projects that I work on follow the PSR-2 coding style guidelines. I prefer to ensure that my PRs pass before Travis or Jenkins tells me, so let's look at how to run PSR-2 checks locally. PHP_CodeSniffer My preferred tool for checking coding styles in PHP is PHP_CodeSniffer. This is command line tool, phpcs, that you can run against any file. PHP_CodeSniffer can test against a number of standards. The default is PEAR,… continue reading.

Custom OAuth2 authentication in Apiiglity

I have a client that's writing an Apigility API that needs to talk to a database that's already in place. This also includes the users table that is to be used with Apigility's OAuth2 authentication. Getting Apigility's OAuth2 integration to talk to a specific table name is quite easy. Simply add this config: 'storage_settings' => array( 'user_table' => 'user', ), To the relevant adapter within zf-mvc-auth => authentication config. However, if you want to use… continue reading.