Pragmatism in the real world


I've been playing recently with YSlow! from Yahoo! and it's quite cool. It's a plug-in for Firefox that works in combination with Firebug that gives you pointers as to why your site isn't as fast as it could be. I noticed that one site that I'm developing at the moment was rated C, so thought I'd see what I could do easily to improve it. These are the items that I sorted out. Configure ETags… continue reading.

Subversion's svn:externals

I know everyone else is already doing it, but I've only just got around to working out how svn externals works and why it's quite cool. I've got a Zend Framework application that I'm working on in subversion and it has a lib directory which contains a zf directory. The zf directory is a checkout of the latest trunk version of the framework. Up to to now, I've been doing this manually. Today I sat… continue reading.

Firefox 2 beta 2

Beware this beta! A new theme is in the works and it wasn't ready when beta 2 was released… I use Windows Classic and the tabs are terrible and don't follow my system colours at all. Very very odd. I'm assuming it'll be fixed by the release of Firefox2 as the regression list is long and being tackled. Jed Brown covers the actual problems in more detail. Other than the theme, Firefox2 is shaping up… continue reading.