Pragmatism in the real world

PHPNW 2016 API Tutorial

If you're attending my Building Modern APIs in PHP tutorial at PHPNW 2016, please bring a laptop with the following installed: * PHP 7 with the sqlite extension installed * curl command line tool * extracted to a convenient directory Thanks. I'm looking forward to it and hope you are too! Oh, and if you don't have an ticket yet, they are still available.

On respect in the workplace

I recently came across Don’t be that dude: Handy tips for the male academic, an article covering 20 actions that the author identified as things that men do everyday to perpetuate inequality. A number seem specific to the academic world, but the majority are relevant everywhere. Now, 20 items is a lot to remember, so I want to call out a few that I see regularly when I'm in offices and at conferences. They are… continue reading.

Hide the ST3 sidebar automatically

As a mostly keyboard user, I take advantage of the keyboard shortcuts in Sublime Text. However, the sidebar is quite a lot of effort to manage, especially as I mostly leave it closed. Firstly, you need cmd+k,cmd+b to open it. Then you type ctrl+k,ctrl+0 to focus it as opening it doesn't automatically set focus. Then you can navigate to the file you want and open it via pressing return. Finally, you type cmd+k,cmd+b to close… continue reading.

Using CharlesProxy's root SSL with home-brew curl

Once I installed Homebrew's curl for HTTP/2 usage, I discovered that I couldn't automatically proxy SSL through Charles Proxy any more. $ export HTTPS_PROXY=https://localhost:8888 $ curl curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain More details here: curl performs SSL certificate verification by default, using a "bundle" of Certificate Authority (CA) public keys (CA certs). If the default bundle file isn't adequate, you can specify an alternate file using the… continue reading.

Using HTTP/2 with PHP 7 on Mac

if you want to use HTTP/2 with PHP on OS X, you need a version of curl compiled with HTTP/2 support. You can then link your PHP's curl extension to this version. The easiest way to do this is to use Homebrew: $ brew install openssl $ brew install curl –with-nghttp2 $ brew install php70 –with-homebrew-curl At the time of writing, this will install PHP 7.0.10 with Curl 7.50.1: $ php -i | grep cURL… continue reading.

RESTful APIs and media-types

Evert Pot recently posted REST is in the eye of the beholder. Go ahead and read it; it's good! It discusses the fact that most APIs that are self-described as RESTful are not hypermedia driven and hence are not actually RESTful as originally defined by Roy Fielding. Evert goes on to state that therefore the term "REST API" has changed to mean an HTTP API that isn't hypermedia-driven. I think that what the world currently… continue reading.

A Kitura tutorial

Swift only became interesting to me when it was released as Open Source with an open development model. I'm exploring using it on Linux for APIs and as worker processes at the end of a queue, such as RabbitMQ or beanstalkd. To this end, I've been playing with Kitura, a web framework for Swift 3 by the Swift@IBM team. It's inspired by Express and so the basic operation is familiar to me. As is my… continue reading.

10 years since my ZF Tutorial

Incredibly, it's been 10 years since I announced my Zend Framework 1 tutorial! The first code release of Zend Framework (0.1.1) was in March 2006 and I wrote my tutorial against 0.1.5. Just under a year later, in July 2006, version 1.0 was released and I updated my tutorial throughout all the releases up to 1.12. ZF1 had a good run, but all good things come to an end and the official end of life… continue reading.

Passing on the baton

Lorna Mitchell has posted Needs Help: For the last 6 years I've been a maintainer of this project, following a year or two of being a contributor. Over the last few months, myself and my comaintainer Rob Allen have been mostly inactive due to other commitments, and we have agreed it's time to step aside and let others take up the baton. I'm proud of my contributions to as a contributor and maintainer.… continue reading.

Screenshot of the active window on Mac

I find myself needing to take screen captures of the currently active window in OS X reasonably frequently. The built-in way to do this on a Mac is to use shift+cmd+4, then press space and then use your mouse to highlight the window and click. For a good proportion of the time, I'm not using a mouse, so this doesn't work great. There's a built-in command line utility called screencapture which requires you to know… continue reading.