Pragmatism in the real world


If you read DevZone, then you’ll notice that Cal‘s looking for some PHP Abstract advertising.

I’m always up for free books, so there’s my link Cal! (Though I doubt that technorati picks up my little blog!)

More seriously, PHPAbstract is worth listening to. Unusually for a podcast, each episode is short (around 10 mins) so that I actually get to listen to a whole episode without being distracted. They have episodes by many (lots?) well known PHP luminaries about a variety of PHP related topics. I’ve listened to every one (except #16) and PHPAbstract is one of only 4 podcasts I actually subscribe to in iTunes. (Where’s the iTunes button on the PHPAbstract page then Cal?)

Advert over – back to writing about the Zend Framework!

(This post probably has more links than any other on this site!)

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