Pragmatism in the real world

2009 in pictures

Like last year, my wrap up is mostly an excuse to show off some of the photos I took in 2009! January Other than the snow, The big thing that happened in January was that an article I wrote was published in php|architect. February We had daffodils in snow at the start of this month and then towards the end, the PHPUK conference took place. March Spring arrived in March. The Severn Valley Railway had… continue reading.

PHP Advent 2009: On deployment

This year I was asked to write an article for PHP Advent 2009 an it's now been published! Automate your Deployment is a look at how to automate the process of deploying your application to the web server. At my company we started automating our deployment systems just over a year and the number of issues we have around deployment of new code to a website has dropped considerably and is no longer a stressful… continue reading.

Accessing your configuration data that's stored in application.ini

Zend_Application will read the data in your application.ini and make it available from your bootstrap's getOptions() method. It then sets the bootstrap as a parameter in the front controller. Note that the top level keys are all normalised to lowercase too. You can then retrieve the options in a number of ways. In the controller you can do this: public function someAction() { $bootstrap = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap'); $options = $bootstrap->getOptions(); } Outside of the controller you… continue reading.

IPC 2009

The International PHP Conference 2009 took place last week in Karlsrule, Germany. This conference has presentations in both English and German, though fortunately, there was always at least one English session in each time slot! I managed to get to a fair few sessions. Cal Evans' talk on Zend Framework command line applications was an especial highlight as it's an area that we could do better and I now know how to! Similarly, we recently… continue reading.

Zend Framework URL Rewriting in IIS6

I've written before about URL rewriting with IIS7's URL Rewrite module. IIS6, which ships with Windows Server 2003 does not have this module though and guess which version my client's IT dept run? As usual, they wouldn't install ISAPI_Rewrite or one of the other solutions for me. In the past, I've simply written a new router that creates URLs with normal GET variables, but this is ugly and I wanted better. One thing IIS6 does… continue reading.

ZendCon 2009

I know I'm late on this one, and I only have the pathetic excuse of being busy. However, ZendCon 2009 was a great conference and I want to thank Eli, Zend and S&S for putting it on. I gave two talks; a Zend Framework Certification refresher tutorial and a talk on project management. Overall I was happy with how both talks went. I think that my presentation style has improved considerably over the last year… continue reading.

PHPNW 09 Conference

The PHPNW 09 Conference took place last Saturday and I've finally found time to write up my thoughts on it. I went up on Friday in order to meet up with the speakers for dinner and also to go to the pre-conference social at the Lass O'Gowrie. The conference was kicked off with an excellent keynote by Kevlin Henney on uncertainty. The main point I took away was that the attitude of "any decision is… continue reading.

Introducing yourself at a conference

At conferences, I really like to meet people that I know online, but haven't met in person before. The big problem for me is that I have trouble connecting the dots, so if we end up talking, please mention where I might know you from. For example: "Hi, I'm Sue. You might know me as fiddlesticks on the zftalk channel on freenode" and I'll be able to place you correctly and may even remember you… continue reading.

Setting up PHP & MySQL on OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard

(Updated 1st May 2010) With OS X 10.6, Apple ships PHP 5.3 with PEAR, GD and PDO_MYSQL out of the box. Also, everything is now 64bit. This means that the entire effort required to get a working PHP dev environment for my work is now much easier. /usr/local Ensure that the following directories exist: sudo mkdir /usr/local/include sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/man/man1 MySQL Download the 64bit DMG version of MySQL… continue reading.

Changing OS X Terminal colours when ssh'ing into a server

I recently discovered that iTerm has bookmarks so you can set up a bookmark to ssh into a server and change the colours of the window. This makes it easy to remember which terminal window is for which server. Thinking about it, I wondered if you could change the colours of the standard OS X Terminal via AppleScript. Inpired by Red Sweater's Random Color Terminal post, I wrote some code to automatically change the Terminal… continue reading.