Pragmatism in the real world

2024 in pictures

As usual, at the end of the year, I look back over the photos I have taken and think about the year. This year I have published 1162 photos to Flickr. It has been a good year, seeing friends and family, taking photos, attending conferences all coupled with enjoyable work for a good client. I am pleased to have kept up with taking a least one photo every day as part of my Project 365,… continue reading.

Creating montages with ImageMagick

When creating my Year in Pictures post I decided that I wanted a montage of all the photos I had taken. In previous years, I've done this by taking a screenshot in an application where I try to set the zoom level correctly to get something acceptable. This time, I decided to do it properly and guessed that ImageMagick could help. After googling, I came up with this process: Export all images from Photos into… continue reading.

2023 in pictures

As we finish 2023 and look forward to 20024, I have had an enjoyable time looking back at the photos I took throughout the year. As with the last 10 years, I have managed to take a least one photo every day as part of my Project 365, which allows me to remember what happened during this year of my life and reflect on the year as I usually do. January I like to start… continue reading.

2022 in pictures

We've reached the end of 2022. We're a little bit further from the COVID-19 pandemic and I've travelled more this year too. A bitter-sweet year when a close friend died and I managed to catch COVID-19 again, but fortunately wasn't as affected as last year and recovered more quickly. I continued to take a photo every day though my Project 365 which allows me to appreciate what happened during this year of my life. January… continue reading.

2021 in Pictures

2021 is over! A very strange year where I have been vaccinated against COVID-19, with an additional booster, yet I caught it and took months to recover. Fortunately, I continued to take a photo every day though my Project 365 which allows me to appreciate what happened during this year of my life. January January started out quietly with a hint of snow. I did a lot of walking, presented at The Online & my… continue reading.

2020 in Pictures

As we reach the end of 2020, I continue my tradition of looking back at my year through the photos that I took as I have done every year since 2009. I have been doing a Project 365 for a good few years which acts as a diary too, so I have the opportunity to appreciate what happened this year in my life. This has been quite a year with the pandemic hitting the UK… continue reading.

2019 in Pictures

As we reach the end of 2019, I again get the opportunity to look back at my year through the photos that I took as I have done every year since 2009. I have been doing a Project 365 for a good few years which acts as a diary too, so I have the opportunity to appreciate what happened this year in my life. January Early in January, I spent an afternoon taking photos with… continue reading.

2018 in pictures

As 2018 draws to a close, I take the time to look at the past year as I have done in years past, I look at the photos that I've taken and reminisce about all that I've done this year. January I started the year with ongoing efforts to reduce the pain in my joints and then visited America for CodeMash in Ohio. This was my second consecutive year speaking at CodeMash and I really… continue reading.

2017 in pictures

Another year has passed which gives me an excuse to to reflect on what's happened. As usual, I look at the photos that I've taken and frame my thoughts around them. January I started the year with one of my favourite pictures of the kids. I also spoke at CodeMash in Ohio. This was a new conference to me and I knew no-one there. Fortunately, I was introduced to Mo, so had at least one… continue reading.

2016 in pictures

Another year has passed which gives me an excuse to to reflect on what's happened. As usual, I look at the photos that I've taken and frame my thoughts around them. January At the very end of January I visited Phoenix, Arizona to see Evan, Priscilla & other friends. I also attended FOSDEM again and spent a tourist day in Brussels. February I was fortunate enough to speak at PHPUK again in February. March The… continue reading.